35 1/2 Months Old – June 1, 2009

Dear Brighton,

The months are just flying by now. You are growing in leaps and bounds every day, and it is getting harder to keep up 😉

Last week, you and I took a trip up to Indiana to visit your Grandma Pat and to see Uncle Donnie. He has now been diagnosed with having a few brain tumors, so is undergoing treatment. With Benjamin on the way, and now knowing the next time we’d be able to make the trip easily, you and I packed our bags and flew up there.

Because at times you are a “flight risk”, meaning you will take off running and not listen to me when I call you back, and because I was 6 months pregnant, I decided I’d buy you one of those backpacks, with the detachable strap (or leash) on the back that I could hold on to. I definitely got some interesting looks in the airport, but I also got a “that’s the greatest idea ever!” comment too  You loved your little back pack and we made sure it was full of snacks and cars.

When we got to the airport, you were very interested in everything and very willing to obey. You were funny. When we got right inside the Orlando Airport, you looked around and said “Wow, mommy…this is Indiana. Yay! We’re in Indiana!”. It was hysterical. I told you that we were still in Florida and had to get on the plane to go there, but you were certain we’d already made it 😉

Once in the plane we did pretty well, until about 20 minute before we landed. Then, you threw the tantrum of all tantrums. It’s amazing how loud your screams sound in a huge metal tube with 150 silent people 😉 The pilot came on and asked everyone to put their seatbelts on for final descent, and you were having none of it. I asked you calmly, told you‘d get in trouble with the pilot…but to no avail. At this point I was frustrated, on the verge of tears, and really had no clue what to do. You and I are a lot alike in that we don’t have much patience, so I just sat back and let you scream. I got some irritating looks, but I was clueless and felt utterly helpless. I have moments all the time where I just wish you’d do what you’re asked without it being on your terms. I understand that’s how toddlers can be, but I dream nonetheless.

A flight attendant came by, was very stern with you, but you still kept hollering. We eventually (after about 5 minutes or so) were able to get you into a conversation, and even though it was us talking and you saying “No” to everything, at least you stopped screaming. I don’t think your seatbelt ever made it on though 

Once there, I knew you were tired, so thankfully you slept in the rental. Getting the rental car was another unpleasant experience in which I got smacked upside the head and had to man-handle you, our backpacks, and our bag that we checked. It was hard, but luckily it was over relatively shortly.

It was nice to see Mom and Uncle Donnie, and as usual, you charmed everyone over the 3 ½ days we were there. Right now we are going through a phase where you practically refuse to poop until you can no longer hold it. So throughout the trip, but mostly on the first day, you kept saying “Oh no, the poop is coming!” but would never go.

You have been both day and night trained since the end of April, but for some reason you say that “the poop is scary” and don’t like to go at all. You refuse to go on the potty, so whenever you tell me “it’s coming” I just put a diaper on you. It’s no big deal to us, we just feel bad that you seem so scared about it.

Anyway, while in Indiana (aside from “visitin’) we went to the Marengo Cave, a park for you to play at (where we found a caterpillar that you played with for over 30 minutes), and watched a few of your favorite movies including Cars and Finding Nemo.

It was a nice trip, but we were both glad to be home. You slept for about half of the plane ride back, and through a major tantrum when it took about 20 minutes for a bag to come down the conveyor belt at baggage claim, but we made it back in one piece 😉 From Wednesday to Saturday, you and I were never apart for more than 2-3 minutes. We ate together, took our naps together, slept in the same bed, everything. We had a pretty good time 😉


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