June 5th, 2009 – 26 ½ Weeks Along

Dear Baby Benjamin,

Oh my goodness, guess who’s a little over 26 weeks now?….We are! Boy, we are just moving right along. I can’t believe that you’ll be here in just 14 short weeks…so crazy.

So, this week I’m reading a book on Hypnobirthing. It’s all about relaxation and bringing a calm baby into a calm atomosphere. It is very interesting reading and I’m excited about the idea. Not sure if I could pull it off, but excited nonetheless.

You are doing very well, as usual. Kicking and moving around like crazy. You respond to our voices now and absolutely come alive when Brighton or Daddy come talk to you. I am so looking forward to you meeting them. You are going to love them just as much as I do 😉 Daddy is already completely enamored with you and talks and plays with you every chance he has. You are definitely coming into this world loved and wanted. We look forward to loving you for the rest of your life!

I’m feeling fine, too. Pregnancy isn’t that difficult for me, so other than a few aches and pains every now and again, and having to go to the bathroom 5 times a night, I’m doing well 😉 In the next few weeks, I’ll be re-organizing your and Brighton’s room to make room for all of your stuff. In just a couple weeks, we’ll be in the home stretch, so I need to get started on all that 😉


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