37 Weeks Old – February 26th, 2007

Your first two, bottom, front teeth broke through the surface! Amazing! You’ve been kind of fussy the past few days, and woke up a couple nights this week, but all in all you didn’t complain too much about these new little developments.  Since you have some teeth now, like magic, you’ve mastered the art of […]

36 Weeks Old – February 20th, 2007

Oh my goodness, who rolled over yesterday? You did! Mommy was so proud of you. We’ve been working and working on it and you’ve just about got it down 🙂 I wasn’t worried about it, you just like to do things at your own pace, but you’ve started trying to pull yourself up on things and […]

33 ½ Weeks Old – February 1st, 2007

I can’t believe that you’ll be 8 months old in a couple weeks! You are growing up so fast. This morning, Daddy and I had to go in a wake you up a 7:15. You looked so sweet laying there in your crib. You are such a sweet child.  This semester I have class on […]