36 Weeks Old – February 20th, 2007

Oh my goodness, who rolled over yesterday? You did! Mommy was so proud of you. We’ve been working and working on it and you’ve just about got it down 🙂 I wasn’t worried about it, you just like to do things at your own pace, but you’ve started trying to pull yourself up on things and you are trying your darndest to “cruise” when you stand in front of the couch, so I got to thinking: What happens if you fall? You need to know how to get back up, right? So practice we did, and like I said, you just about have it! Yay! 

You are very cute these days, too. I swear, if I could keep you this age forever I would. You take your naps without any trouble, you sleep all night, you wake up in a great mood, and you love to giggle and play with me and your daddy. You are the greatest gift ever!

You’ve figured out the purpose of your jumperoo, too. Ever since we got it, you’ve always jumped, but side-to-side rather than up and down. The other day though you figured it out, and my-oh-my can you jump high. I’ve got to get you on video doing it. You jump as high as you possibly can and then bring your legs out and front of as you come down. It’s very funny to watch. As your dad and I observed you the other day, it looked like you were doing some ninja moves or something! 🙂 You kept swinging from side to side, then taking a stance while you looked at us real fast and froze. You are hilarious!

You’ve started sharing more and more lately too. Just yesterday right before I left from our daily lunch meeting, you tried to give me your paci, and whenever I roll something to you, you push it back to me. I love all the new things your doing. You are some much more interactive then you were and I swear, you gain a new skill everyday. 

You still haven’t said “ma-ma” but you smile and giggle whenever I go to get you up every morning, and I come home from work, so I know you love me 🙂 I hope to teach you some signs starting this week. Hopefully that will help you communicate a bit more. 

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