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28 1/2 Months Old – October 29th, 2008

Well, once again, the past few weeks since I wrote up your last update have flown by in a blur 😉  Probably the most notable event worth mentioning is the addition to your very first “big boy bed” to your room. A few weeks ago, Daddy and I decided that you were ready to move […]

Brighton’s “Photo Shoot” pictures are up…

Back in August, Brighton and I went to the Picture People to get his “2 Year” pictures taken.  It is very hard to get the child to do any type of pose, but in the end, we got some really great shots. My favorite is probably the one with him sitting on the box with […]

Brighton’s friend Tristan had a party…

Brighton when to his friend Tristan’s 2nd birthday party on September 21st, and had a blast. Tristan’s parents outfitted the back yard with a couple of inflatable gym/pool things, set up a sandbox, had lots of balloons, and served all the cupcakes they could eat. It just couldn’t have gotten any better for Brighton. I […]