7 Weeks Old – July 31st, 2006

Ugh…you have cradle cap. Mommy and Daddy thought it might be a sunburn, since we jsut got back from Captiva, but nope…it’s just cradle cap. You love to talk! You just talk your momma’s ear off sometimes…I love it! You started laughing this week! (very subtlem though… you’re not a giggler yet)

6 Weeks Old – July 24th, 2006

You started “talking” all the time this week, saying “a-goo” and “a-gaa”. You went to Captiva with the McDaniel family had a great time walking on the beach and watching the sunsets. You started getting very fussy at bedtime this week. It’s as though you think you’re going to miss something if you fall asleep. […]

5 Weeks Old – July 17th, 2006

Your changing table is your favorite place. You will lie there and talk to me and your Daddy for quite a while. You just smile when you go up there. You like your baths now, too. You still eat all the time, and if the food isn’t being served immediately, you begin shrieking. Not crying, […]

4 Weeks Old – July 10th, 2006

Our longest cluster feeding session was this week. For 8 hours you ate every 15-20 minutes! You are The “King” of snackers! We took you out in the pool for the first time and you weren’t crazy about it. Daddy and I also started taking you jogging with us. You are way too small for the […]

3 Weeks Old – July 3rd, 2006

You still eat all the time 🙂 When you aren’t eating at night, you lie in your cradle and grunt a lot. You don’t like to be swaddled anymore, so you are now sleeping in your footie pajamas to stay warm at night.