37 Weeks Old – February 26th, 2007

Your first two, bottom, front teeth broke through the surface! Amazing! You’ve been kind of fussy the past few days, and woke up a couple nights this week, but all in all you didn’t complain too much about these new little developments.  Since you have some teeth now, like magic, you’ve mastered the art of chewing. Last night at dinner, you were fussing a bit while your Daddy and I ate dinner, so I held my French fry out to you thinking you’d just out your mouth on it and pull away (like you usually do), but to my surprise, you bit off half my fry, chewed it up, swallowed it, then opened your mouth for more! I couldn’t believe it. 🙂

Watching you chew is so incredibly cute. You can tell you’re thinking about it so intently. Now, cheerios are a good friend to you. You don’t throw up as soon as they touch your tongue now. Yay!

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