41 Weeks Old – March 30th, 2007

Wow, you have done so much in the past month and 4 days! You now sort of roll wherever you want to go. You still won’t crawl, but I seriously don’t think you ever will. You want to walk, and every day you get a little more daring and try to do a  little more on your own.

When your paying attention to a toy in your hand and not thinking about it, you can stand all by yourself with no one touching you. As soon a you realize that though, you lean for me 😉 I know I’m going to miss that. Seeing those sweet little arms reaching for me is the sweetest thing I’ve ever experienced. 

I love how you like to climb all over me, and hug my arm. When you’re sitting in your booster seat eating, sometimes you’ll reach for me and just hug and kiss my arm 😉 You are so incredibly sweet!

Speaking of eating, we have expanded your diet to include more than your baby food and cheerios. On your 9 month Well-Baby appointment, your doctor said we could start giving you table food and meat like chicken. I think you really like getting to eat off of Mommy’s and Daddy’s plate. We’ve fed you cooked carrots, peas, corn, pasta, chicken, potatoes, and last night you had some bread with some butter on it. Now, I’m certain you are my child, as you gobbled that down like it was going out of style. I love bread and butter, too. I could eat it every day, with every meal 🙂

You talk a lot now, too. I use the term “talk” very loosely hear, in that you only say “da-da-da”, “ba-ba-ba”, and various other babbles here and there. Another thing that’s pretty cute that you do is we’ll say “Do you want to go in your jumperoo?”, and you’ll spin around to look at it and if you do want to go into it you’ll go “cah” very quietly, in almost a whisper. If you don’t you’ll either stay silent and look away, or you’ll stiffen your body and grunt in protest 😉

We’ve been trying to teach you to sign “eat”, but without much luck. You know what we mean when we say it, but you won’t return the sign. I did teach you how to “Hi-5” though. That is so cute. You don’t “slap” my hand, but gently put your hand to mine.

You’ve figured out how to stand up in your crib, too. Grandma dropped your mattress down the other day, because she was afraid you’d fall out. It doesn’t matter where you’re set, you figure out a way to get to the front of the crib and walk from end to end.

As for teeth, you have those bottom two about half way through (or a little more), and your top left one is just about through the surface.

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