42 Weeks Old – April 8th, 2007

Today was your very first Easter! Mona invited us to an Easter Egg Hunt at her house yesterday and I got a great picture of you standing all by yourself with an egg and your basket in your hand. That’s the first picture I’ve ever gotten with you standing by yourself! Usually you’re only up for a few seconds, but this time you stayed up a while!

Today, you went to Uncle John’s for brunch. Your daddy ran the omelet bar, and I played with you while we ate. You had a bit of omelet and a few pieces of waffle. You got to do an easter egg hunt there too, and I got quite a few pictures of you with your Cousin Aubrey.

When we got home, that afternoon I was letting the dogs out and I told them to “go”. You looked at them and said “g” (made the “g” sound). I said “right, tell them to ‘go!”, and you thought about it for a second and then you said, “guh”. Again, I said “right” and repeated the word and then you said “goh”. Kinda of breathy, but you said it nonetheless! I immediately called Daddy out and you spent the rest of the day saying “goh”. You are so smart! You said your first word! Yay!

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