May 11th, 2009 – 22 ½ Weeks Along

Dear Baby Benjamin,

Today we had some issues 😉 I was sitting at work, minding my own business, when I started having some pretty strong contractions. Since you were moving around just fine in there, I gave it a couple hours to subside, but finally had to call the doctor. They wouldn’t see me since I’m 23 weeks along, so we had to go to the hospital!

I felt so silly, like I was overreacting or something, but I went anyway just to make sure you were doing okay. Of course, it happened at a time when I couldn’t reach your daddy (he was out for a run), so I drove myself across town and he met us there as soon as he got the message. It was about 11am by the time I got there and I was starving! Your daddy, being the best daddy ever that he is, showed up with sandwiches, fruit, and water, and we ate a picnic lunch on my hospital bed 😉 It was very sweet.

Well, after observing me for a while, they decided we were good to go, and instructed me to increase my daily water intake. I had one contraction when they first hooked me up to the monitor, but I only had one more over the course of the next hour. We were soooooo very relieved! You were funny, too. The nurse kept trying to listen your heartbeat to get a count, and you would literally kick or punch the monitor off everytime she started to get a good reading. It was hysterical, and definitely assuaged my fears. You were just fine. I was just a bit worn out and over tired. They suggested I take it easy 😉


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