30 Weeks Old – January 8th, 2007

For quite a while now, you’ve been playing with my hair, but it’s only been in the past few days that is seems like you are really paying attention to what you are playing with. You are so funny…you start out very gentle, just lightly moving a few strands that are resting on my shoulder, then all the of the sudden you get so excited, go crazy, grab a handful, and start pulling! As soon as you do that I tell you to “Be nice” and you give me the biggest smile (tongue out, of course).

I had to take you into work one afternoon this week, and everyone thought you were the cutest. You shrieked bloody murder most of the day, but apparently that’s just your way. I’m really hoping you don’t continue to do it for long. It’s very piercing. I plan on recording you and playing it back so that you can hear it.  You are starting to respond more.

Since you were about 3 months old, you would jut your little belly upwards when you wanted to be picked up, but for the last few weeks you actually raise your little arms. I also noticed that in addition to that you sometimes nod your head when you do it. You also make sounds after I give you a toy and tell you what it is. For instance, I’ll give your book, and say “book”, and then most time you make some sort of sound, like your “b” or your “th” and I say “right! book!” I don’t know if you’re trying to mimic me or not, but just in case I’m going to make sure you know I’m listening. You are so smart!

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