27 Weeks Old – December 11th, 2006

This week was a very exciting week for you. You had your six month check up, you got to meet Santa at the Oviedo Mall for the very first time, and your first website got put online!

Your doctors appointment went very well. You saw a new doctor that you didn’t particularly care for (you cried every time she touched you), but we got you measured and weighed which is always fun. You are now 29 inches long (2 foot 7 inches tall!) and you weighed in at 19 pounds and 9 ounces. For your height you are above the 97th percentile and for weight you’re at the 85th.

Right after your doctor’s appointment, your Daddy and I took you to see Santa! We were very excited. You know, that was also Mommy’s first time meeting Santa! You did great. Luckily we got there early enough to not have to wait in line, and you were wonderful. You sat right up there on his knee, didn’t fuss a bit, and we got the sweetest picture of you. You were so adorable! I can’t wait till next year! 

As I said, your website also made it online this week. Everyone is always asking Mommy and Daddy for pictures of you, so I finally pulled a bunch together, along with this journal, and I gave you a snazzy place to show all your tricks. Maybe one day when you’re older you’ll be able to update it  yourself 🙂

This week we also went to get you some more toys from Tammie. I’ve been wanting you get you an excersaucer for some time now, so when she said we could have hers we drove right over and got it. Boy, do you like that thing! You are so cute and smart. It only took you a couple minutes and you had the whole thing figured out. You know how to work every toy, how to make the seat turn around, and you love to rock in it. You are such a boy!

You are sleeping MUCH better this week, too. You haven’t gotten any nighttime feedings and you are waking up less and less.

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