26 Weeks Old – December 11th, 2006

Amazingly, you are sleeping much better this week. Last night, I didn’t feed you at all from 7:30pm to 7:00am, and only got up a few times to give you your paci.

Your hair is really coming in now. You’ve been getting more and more every day, but today it looked so thick and shiny!

This weekend you went to Uncle John’s for his birthday and had a great time. Of course everyone thought you were adorable, and you didn’t fuss very much this time. We made sure to have you home before 6 o’clock…we know your schedule well 🙂 

Yesterday, I went to lunch with your daddy instead of coming home to feed you. It was the very first time I’d done that. When I got home that evening I could tell you had missed me, though. As soon as you saw me you went crazy in your jumperoo, laughing, and yelling and swaying from side to side (you don’t jump in there), and I let you know that I missed you too by scooping you up and planting a ton of kisses on you.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this to you before, but you are a very loving child, especially when you are sleepy. When you want to give some hugs or kisses (which you’ve been doing since you were about 3 months old), you grab me by my ears or by the hairs at the nape of my neck and basically lick and try to eat my face! It’s adorable, but you do get rough sometimes! We don’t mind though…we love receiving your messy, slobbery kisses 🙂

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