3 Years + 4 Months Old – October 14th, 2009

Oh goodness, where to begin!  We had such a busy summer and you are up to so much these days!

I’ll start with our annual trip to Captiva and Sanibel Islands.  We had a wonderful time the last two weeks in July at these places.  The first week was spent on Captiva with the bulk of the family and you had a blast!  You love rough-housing with Uncle John (Grunca) and Cassie, and you were definitely the life of the party every place we went.  You started saying “Batman’s coming!” and running to grab a blanket to hide under. Of course everyone else had to hide with you, so that became the “game” of the week. For some reason you think Batman has blue eyes, because every time you hid you’d also say “Hurry, hide, you see those blue eyes peeking out?”

The second week was spent on Sanibel with Grandma Ann and her friend Nicollette.  You didn’t like the beach as much as you did Captiva, but we spent some time at the pool. Mostly we just hung out in the unit and played with your Leggos. You and Daddy built some really nice and intricate things with those.

Right before we left on vacation you started a new class at school and you love it! Your teachers, Miss Andrea, Miss Portia, and Miss Rachel think you are the cutest thing ever and every day you come home with a new story to tell. Your school also put a new curriculum into place, so at the beginning of every week you bring a handout home telling us the words and letters you are working on and any other concepts for that week. It’s wonderful and it’s so very nice to have you back into a class that you look forward to going to!

August brought a lot of baby-planning, since your brother was due in early September. You helped daddy in the yard a lot, and we just spent a lot of time hanging out and reading stories.  Also making them up actually. You love to make up stories and have us tell you some, too 🙂

Just a week before I gave birth to Benjamin your daddy and I took you on a date to the zoo. We had a wonderful time and spent the whole day just playing with you.  It was kind of our last outing as a threesome, so we hope you had a great time 😉

Now we move onto some mushy stuff that I’m sure you’d rather I not write, but I must 🙂

Your brother was born on September 5th, 2009, and you have GOT to be the best big brother that ever walked the earth. You love him to death. You are not jealous, you are never mean, and you care about him so very much!  I have always known that you are an unordinarily sweet child. You are very smart, but you are so incredibly thoughtful, and loving, and sweet, that it just makes my heart melt!  You are always ready to give hugs and kisses, always first to respond when someone gets hurt, and always there to lend a helping hand. Your teacher says that you help her every single day with snack or books, or whatever else she needs, and with Benjamin around, that has not changed.  You love him so much, and it is so very sweet to see you two together.

Now it’s October and we’re gearing up for Halloween. This year you’ve said you want to be a ghost, so this weekend we are going to go and get the stuff to make you a costume (I don’t think I can find a ghost costume around here).  I’m sure we’ll have a blast. We always do. 😉

Some cute/funny things you’ve said lately:

  • “Mommy, you need to move over. You’re booty is large!” (Thank you for that, by the way) 😉
  • “Mommy, Benjamin is crying again. Can you give him some milk out of your nipple, please?”
  • When you got up in the middle of the night, I asked you why you were up. Your response: “Because I needed to. Daddy needed me.”
  • “Oh, Mommy, I found a baby ghost and he’s crying!” – you then lifted up your shirt, put your hand, which held your imaginary ghost, to your chest and said “Glug, glug, glug. There now he stopped crying ‘cuz I fed him milk from my nipple” LOL

I know there are more, I may update this list later 😉

One Response to “3 Years + 4 Months Old – October 14th, 2009”

  1. Don’t forget him calling the baby sling the “babysitter” LOL

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