5 Weeks Old – October 14th, 2009

Well…we’ve decided that you’re not as mellow and easy going as we had thought, but you are still pretty sweet!  For a while you were very fussy in the evening right before bed, but we figured out it was because you were over tired.  You would eat and eat, then get so wound up.  We’ve since gotten a better handle on that, but you’re still a bit fussy for 45 minutes every evening.

You have got to be the cutest thing, though! Just in the past week you’ve started smiling a lot more, and cooing. Goodness, you make the sweetest sounds! You are also very alert and inquisitive about everything. You love to look around and stare at my face or out the window. It’s very sweet. I always wonder what you’re thinking about when you are focusing in on something and looking so serious.

Growth-wise, you are a champ! I don’t know how much you weigh, but I’m guessing at least 10 or 11 pounds. You are getting very chubby and I love it!  Still no bottle, but I plan on getting you used to one next week since I have to go back to work soon.

You are fitting into the family very well. I can’t even imagine what things would be like without you. Brighton absolutely adores you and is always trying to play with or hold you. He makes sure he always give you a kiss first thing in the morning, before he goes to school, when he comes home, and before he goes to bed. It’s adorable how much he loves you, and how attentive you are when he’s holding you.

As for sleep, we’re doing a little better. We’re now sometimes gettting 4 hours at the beginning of the night, then eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours until morning. Not too bad…but I do look forward to the days of 5 and 6 hours in a row 😉

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