26 Months Old – August 12th, 2008

A couple/three weeks ago we went to Tortuga/Sanibel Island for our annual summer trip. You had a wonderful time. We were worried about the sleeping arrangements and the drive down, but you did fantastic on both fronts. To prepare I purchased about 40 new hotwheels, matchbox, and tonka cars and made you little gift bags.  Daddy also made you some Wiggles (your new favorite group) CD’s and put the movie Spirit on his PSP so that you could watch it in the car.

You did so well. We didn’t hardly need the cars, and you loved the movie!  Sleeping was fine to. You didn’t much like the pack and play so you slept with us for a good part of all three nights we were there, but all in all, it was no big deal.

Cassie brought her new boyfriend Mark along, and you fell in love.  I don’t know what it was about him, but he was your new best friend and you wanted to do everything with him! “Go Beach Muuark, Mama” “Go Pay Cars Muuark” ” Go Pool Muuark”. You were so cute. He was wonderful with you and didn’t seem to mind abit that you wanted to hang around him.

You were also a big fan of the gulf.  We’ve decided that you are a floater like your dad 😉 You two hung out at the beach for quite a while everyday and you loved that he was able to pull up a ton of sand dollars and some of the biggest (probably 12-14 inches wide) starfish I’d ever seen. At home you have a small pool toy (a dive toy, really) that’s a snake and we told you it was a “sea snake”, so the whole time you were out in the gulf you kept asking him to to find you a sea snake 🙂 Too funny.

In the past month your vocabulary has really grown.  This past weekend your Daddy was out of town for a conference and due to a storm our power went out for about 3 hours on Friday night. You loved it. We just sat on the couch and you talked. You asked me “Powa back on?” You told me all the things you do at school. You talked about animals and trucks, we sang songs (you know every single word to like every single nursery rhyme song that there is!!!). We had a great time, and when Daddy got back he remarked at how much more you had to say in just the 4 days that he was gone.

It is amazing watching you learn and seeing how quickly you pick everything up. The other day I pulled out some play-doh and after about 5 minutes of making shapes you could locate a heart, square, circle, star, and triangle. It was great. I love teaching you things!

I think that’s about it for now. Since Mommy recently graduated, I hope to be able to update you more and spend more time getting all of your pictures together.  I love doing this and am very excited to be able to have some spare time to spend on it now. 🙂
I love you 🙂

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