25 Months Old – July 17th, 2008

Yesterday was a pretty rough day for you, and by rough, I mean “physically” rough 🙂

Earlier in the week, you must have fallen down at school because you came home with huge, moon-shaped rug-burn/gash on your chin. Yesterday when I picked you up you had scratched the skin off and your chin was bleeding. Here are the rest of injuries you incurred throughout the day:

  1. Bloody chin
  2. You had a trail of small bites on the inside of your right leg. Not sure where you got those. You kept telling me “Momma, bugbite boo”
  3. On Tuesday you had fallen on the sidewalk and scraped both of your knees, and it looked like you had done it again, as they were freshly red.
  4. While at Laura’s she said you fell down and you had a scratch by your right eye by your nose, and the bridge of your nose was bruised.
  5. When I brought you home, I told you stay on the bed so that I could put your jammies on, and didn’t want to, so you went to get off and cracked the back of your head on the corner of my nightstand.
  6. When Daddy got home, he spilled a whole cup of sweet tea on the wood floor, and apparently missed a spot when he cleaned it up, because you slipped, fell, and cracked the left side of your face/head on the wood when you went running in there.
  7. Lastly, we were eating some chips on a plate and had the plate on the coffee table. You were standing there eating them with me and somehow lost your footing and flipped the plate off the table. No big deal. Well, I guess you wanted to help pick up all the chips, so you bent down, and when you did you banged your forehead into the coffee table!

Needless to say, when you went to bed last night, you looked like you had been in a bloody brawl 🙂 I put Neosporin on lots of things this morning, so hopefully you will heal well.

Whew…I didn’t realize boys were so boo-boo prone! 😉

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