Still 42 Weeks Old – April 12th, 2007

You are exactly 10 months old today! I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by. As hard as I try to hold on to all of the wonderful moments of you being my “baby”, they seem to slip by faster and faster as the days go on. 

Last night, your daddy and I were looking at pictures of you when you were just a few days old, and were in awe of how much you’ve grown and how much you can do now.

Just in the past week, you have mastered standing on your own and you can take a couple (very small) steps. Amazing! Watching you learn all of these things so quickly is wonderful but at the same time sad.

Where’s my baby that would only fall asleep if mommy rocked him? Oh, he’s laying in his own crib now, talking himself to sleep. Where’s my baby that had to lean on mommy when he sat on her lap because he couldn’t sit up yet? Oh, he’s sitting on the floor playing with his toys and trying to pull up on the coffee table. I love that you are growing and I am so proud of you, but I wish that time would slow down a bit 🙂

Just a few days ago you started saying “gog”. When we were walking around the block the other day, the neighbors dog came barking on the other side of the fence, and even though you couldn’t see him, you said “gog!”. And today, Grandma said she had to tell Sam “no bark!”, and you too had to voice your opinion by saying ‘go!’ to him! You are so incredibly funny!

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