18 Weeks Old – October 16th, 2006

I am so amazed at how well you can use your hands! You took your paci out of your mouth the other day and tried to put it in mine…you wanted to share 😉 When you eat you always have to have one hand exploring my face, pulling on my nose, grabbing my chin, and pulling on my shirt.

I had to take you to work with me one morning this week, because Grandma’s truck had a dead battery. You did very well. I had to keep you on my lap the whole time, but you were so intrigued by the keyboard as I typed. You wanted to type to and kept batting at the space bar 🙂 Everybody in the office thought you were adorable.

We went to Michael and Kali’s 17th and 16th birthday party this weekend. You are going through a phase right now where you don’t want anyone but Grandma Pat, your daddy, or me holding you, so you were a bit fussy, but you were adorable nonetheless. Michael was very excited to see you and said that when you get bigger he wanted to hang out with you. It was also the first time you had met Lyndsi. She was in love and wanted to carry you around everywhere.

The rice cereal at night is going better. You are eating much more of it and aren’t sticking your fist in your mouth with every bite anymore. I love feeding you.

We went to the park for the first time, and you sat in a baby swing. You still aren’t quite big enough to fill it out, and the actual swinging motion kind of scared you, but you were adorable and I got some really nice pictures of you.

Daddy got a new camera this week, and took some beautiful close-ups of you. You definitely are the most beautiful child ever born. And your laughter (which you aren’t as stingy with these days) is so contagious. It lights up your whole face and makes everyone so happy.

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