17 Weeks Old – October 9th, 2006

You went in for your 4 month checkup today. Of course they said that you were wonderful, beautiful, and perfect πŸ˜‰ You weighed 16lbs, 3oz. and were 26.5 inches long. The doctors said you are in the 90th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.

You had to get 4 more shots. I am so proud of you. You only cry when the needle is going in, and then we don’t hear another thing about it. You are really strong!

One of the funnier moments of the visit came when the doctor was examining you. As soon as she took you from your daddy, you started talking and cooing, and laughing, and blowing spit bubbles! You just showed her all your tricks all at once. She was trying to listen to your heart and your breathing, and you just kept on talking and smiling at her. She thought you were the cutest and told us that you’re pretty advanced vocally for your age.

I swear, you are the cutest thing ever. I think you were so happy because you were practically naked and had been out of the house most of the afternoon. I am going to try to take you out a bit more on the weekends and let you run around with just your diaper a bit more too.Β 

You got rice cereal for the first time after your doctors visit. I think you liked it. You cried every time the spoon left your mouth. And messy! My goodness you are a messy eater πŸ˜‰ That’s okay, it was your first time. You take a bite, and then immediately want to suck on your left fist. So cute, but frustrating nonetheless πŸ˜‰

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