July 6th, 2009 – 30 ½ Weeks Along

Dear Baby Benjamin,

This weekend and last has been busy, busy! I’ve been working non-stop in your and Brighton’s room putting up shelving, rearranging the furniture, and organizing things so that the two of you can comfortably share that room. It’s been fun (I happen to like doing those sorts of things), but exhausting nonetheless.

You are doing as well as ever. Moving and kicking around in there like you own the place 😉 You still haven’t balled up though, and there are times when I feel like I have an octopus growing in there! Seeing as we only have 9 ½ weeks to go, I’m thinking you’re going to run out of room pretty soon and HAVE to curl up 😉

We had our 30 week Dr. appointment last week, and everything looked great. I had gained a total of 13 pounds, and your heartbeat was a strong as ever (when she finally found it!). I swear you can sense the waves that that doppler emits when they go to get a reading on your heartbeat. Every single time that thing is place on there you move, or begin to kick/punch at it. The nurse kept remarking how she couldn’t get a reading because you kept moving away, so finally after she got a few seconds of one, I said that was enough. She was really starting to irritate you with that thing!

I think that’s about all for now. The next couple of weeks will be finishing up your room and getting work situated for the our 2 week Captiva vacation. It should be fun!


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