April 13th, 2009 – 18 weeks along

Dear Baby,

My, oh, my…you are just growing by leaps and bounds in there! As of today, I am 18 weeks and 5 days along, and feeling great. Other than a little bit of sciatic pain, everything is going very well!

This past weekend was Easter weekend, and your brother, Daddy, and I had a blast eating lots of candy and going Easter Egg Hunting at UCF. Of course, you too were along for the ride and you definitely loved my candy-intake as well 😉

We are getting more and more excited about your arrival every day now. We talk about names all of the time, and have a few picked out for both a boy and a girl. We haven’t made any decisions yet, but since we’ll be going in to get your ultrasound done on the 30th of this month, we’ll at least be able to narrow them further once we know what you are.

I’m sure most parents say this, but we truly don’t have a preference and are going to be thrilled when you arrive, whether you are a John or Jane 😉 (And no, those names aren’t on the list). We think it would be great to give Brighton a little brother, but it would be equally as great to have a girl to hang around and go shopping with 😉 One thing that we’re sure of is that September of 2009 is going to be a fantastic month for you!



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