30 Months Old (2 1/2) – December 15th, 2008

Well, the last time I caught you up was just before Halloween and I was all worried that you wouldn’t wear your costume…I shouldn’t have been 😉 Halloween was a complete success and you had an absolute blast going around the neighborhood. You’d would walk up to the door, knock, holler “Hello, open a door!”, and when they answered you walked right into their house! It was sooooo funny. You were very polite about taking candy and always said “thank you!”, but you really wanted to get it yourself. You didn’t like it when they put it in your bucket. So…everyone just let you do it.  Everyone thought you were sooooo cute!

Not too much happened in November.  You had a great time at Uncle John’s for Thanksgiving, and the day after, Grandma Ann and I took you to the Florida Aquarium. We’d never been before and were incredibly impressed! You loved looking at all the windows and tanks of fish. We saw huge 7ft flourescent green eel, 300lb turtles, sea horses, sharks, everything. You got to pet some starfish and get all wet and you loved it 😉  I love taking you to places like that. We go to the zoo (we went there just a couple of weeks before the aquarium), and in January, I plan on getting us some Sea World passes. You always enjoy going to look at different types of animals, and love to see the look on your face when you see something that you enjoy 😉

Christmas is just next week or so, and we have put the tree up of course. You “helped” with the ornaments, and suprisingly have pretty much left them on the tree. I’m shocked that they have stayed on! Last year, the bottom half of the tree was empty because you wouldn’t leave them alone 😉  The other day, I asked you “Brighton, what does Santa say?”, and you thought about if for a few seconds (and looked up at the ceiling as I do when I’m thinking), and said “Hi?”. I about died laughing, and told you “ho, ho. ho” It was soooo funny.  You’ve also taken a liking to signing “Jingle bells”. I am always amazed at all of the songs that you know all of the words to and sing on key. It is so very cute!

I think that’s all for now. At the end of this month, you are supposed to go to the 2 1/2 year old class at school, so I’m sure I’ll have an update on how that goes. I can’t believe how quickly you are growing up!

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