27 Months Old – September 12th, 2008

Well, Mr. Brighton, you are 27 months old today! When I dropped you off at school today I had two of your teachers tell me separately that you are well on your way to being potty trained! Are you kidding me?  They said that you are just a couple of weeks away from going to school wearing big-boy underwear. This is crazy. When did you become so grown up? Ahhh, the days of baby-hood are coming to an end I’m afraid, and I’m not quite sure if I’m ready for that 🙁

You are doing a ton of new things every single day. You are getting better at dressing and undressing yourself. Since I never offered you the option of doing that until a few days ago, you are doing rather well.  Note for when you’re older with your own children: don’t ever encourage the removal of clothing, shoes, etc. If you do, you may find your child naked at the oddest times 😉 Taking off a diaper for instance should NEVER be something that a kid should think they can do 😉

You are also speaking like a little adult now.  It’s the cutest thing ever, but at times very weird for me (again, I go back to that “where is my baby” rant).  The other day as soon as I opened up my car door to reach back and unlock yours, you stepped up and said “I’ll drive, mommy”. I looked and you was like “What?”. You didn’t smile, or even pretend that you were joking. You were serious and totally prepared to take us wherever we needed to go 😉 You are a character!

You also learn things at such rapid speed that sometimes it’s hard to keep up. The other day we were watching “Higgly Town Heroes” as we do every morning as you eat your cereal bar and I get ready for work, and the Pizza Guy character came on. He is your favorite. You love him. Every time he shows up you get very excited and shout “Pizza guy! Pizza guy!”. Well, when he left the scene, he said “Adios”, and of course you mimicked. You mimic practically everything that is said in movies and cartoons. Your language is at time out of this world. Anyway, I said “Adios, pizza guy. Adios means bye-bye in Spanish”. Fifteen or twenty minutes later we were heading out the door, and as always I said, “okay, go give Daddy a kiss and tell him bye-bye”, and you go…::”Adios, Daddy!” Too cute!

School is also going very well for you. Miss Georgy told me last week that you only drink out of regular cup in her class now (again, another of those skills that I purposefully did not want to pursue until now), and that you assist the other children in opening up their napkins and telling them to be careful on certain toys. She also said that you are very artistic and like to use lots of color and seem to draw with more purpose than some of the other students. I think that’s great…wink, wink 😉

You also have a little girlfriend in school. We have a birthday party to attend next weekend for another of your classmates, and I’m hoping she will attend so that I can get a picture of the two of you. She is adorable, and the two you play together, and hold hands, and make sure to hug and kiss one another when you sing the Barney song “I love you…”. It is soooo incredibly sweet. When you get to class in the mornings she is so excited to see you. I think it’s adorable!

I can’t think of any other “news” right now. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned in every other entry, you continue to amaze me every single day, and I think about how much you mean to me and how important you are to my life constantly.

I love that you are so sweet and loving.

I love your sense of humor. You love to pretend and make jokes.

I love that you dance whenever ANY song comes on and if we dance too, you mimick our moves.

I love that you’ve memorized practically every line and character action in the movie “Cars”.

I love that every single morning, the first person you ask for is me, the next thing you say is “Cereal Bar”, and the third is “Go see daddy”.

I love that you when we yell “No girls!” you drop whatever you are doing from anywhere in the house and run like a wild banshee into our room and get in your “fort” which is getting underneath our covers.

I love that you get excited about going with me to the Library, and always ask to “go bye-bye in momma’s car”.

You are a complete joy and I have absolutely no idea what I ever did to get such a great kid.

I can’t wait to see what happens this month! 😉

One Response to “27 Months Old – September 12th, 2008”

  1. I love this entry! It’s amazing how fast they grow up. Now that you’ve hit the “where did my baby go” phase, hows that little project I like to call “baby #2” coming along?!

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