22 ½ Months Old – May 2nd, 2008

Wow…I can’t believe you are almost 2 years old! Where does the time go? You amaze us more and more everyday. You do all types of adorable things, and I swear you learn how to do like 20 things a day!

Last month you were learning your colors, well now that’s old hat to you! Your teachers, Miss Kaleigh and Miss Tina say that you are the only kid in your class that knows your colors! You know them all and love to shout them out when you see them :_ Your favorite is probably “yeay-yow!”, but my favorite to hear you say is “pur-po”. You shout out yellow, but say purple in this adorable baby voice 🙂

Daddy has taught you to play in a fort now, too. You and he will wake off running for the bedroom, jump on the bed, and then “hide” in whatever conforter you can grab first. You love to tell Daddy that is “gaa” (dark) in there, and then giggle and kick your legs underneath the blanket. It has gotten so that in the morning when I’m getting you dressed, you ask for “addy?” and “fooorrr?” Too cute 🙂

You also have become the worlds best hugger in the past couple of months, and you love “family” hugs. If one of us is holding you you’ll make your little “mmm” sound in your high pitched, soft voice, hold out your spare arm, and draw the other parent in. Ahhh, it just melts my heart when you do that! You’ve always given kisses and lots of love, but there is something in the way that you wrap your arms around me that makes me feel like the most important person in the whole world. I wonder if you’ll ever know how much power you wield? 🙂

As for talking…you say it all! You don’t always have perfect pronunciation, but you try to say everything and 9 times out of 10 we know exactly what you are saying. “Gaa” threw me for a loop at first. For like an hour you kept pointing out the sliding glass door and yelling “Gaa! Mama, gaa!”. It took me a while, but I finally figured it out…Dark! 😉 One of our favorite words to hear you say is “Du-du-bye!” That’s “butterfly” and “vitamin” in your language. It is sooo happy-sounding and adorable to hear. You say it all the time and whenever you do, everyone around you says “ahhhh!”  — Ham!

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