18 Months Old – December 21st, 2007

Wow, it has been a while since I last updated you! I’m sorry! This semester with school, work, and a toddler has been pretty hectic 😉

When we left off, you were having a tough time a school. For the first couple weeks it was pretty rough on you. You cried daily, refused to eat, and were very angry with us in the evenings. We decided that it would be best if you started going every single day (to get into a routine), but only until 2pm. On Monday’s and Tuesdays, your daddy would pick you up and then work from home in the afternoon, and on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s I would pick you up and work from home. This worked out fantastic and after just the first couple of days, you were like a whole new kid. You love school now, and your teachers, Miss Michelle and Miss Kaleigh, love you to death. We get told every single day what a good boy you are and they say that they wish they had a whole class of you because you are so well behaved.

Since then you have grown so much! You are talking much more now, saying “that” at everything, “cheese”, and jibber-jabbering to your hearts content, and you’ve become much more mobile as well! Now, you climb on everything. From the lawn chair outside to the coffee table in the living room…you love to climb.

You love school as well. The teachers are working with the other kids on learning different signs and most of them you already know. They are always so impressed with how smart you are. It’s amazing to us and your teachers how much you understand and respond to. If we tell you to go get you bear, you go get it. If we say let’s get dressed, you take off running to your room. I swear you understand every single thing we say!

The only thing that has really bothered us about the day care situation is your health. You had never once been sick before we started sending you, but since you started there, you have had numerous ear infections and are scheduled to have tubes put into your ears on January 7th of 2008, because you’ve had so many. You are real trooper with them, though. You rarely complain and only a few times have you really indicated that you were in pain.

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