14 months / 5 days Old – August 17th, 2007

Geez, I am getting worse and worse about updating your journal. You have begun to so many cool things since I last wrote that I’m not quite sure where to begin.

I guess we’ll begin with Captiva. We went to the island again this year on July 20th and stayed till the 26th. The ride down and back was not fun for any of us. You took to shrieking about an hour into the trip both ways, and instead of taking 4.5 hours to get there, it took more like 5.5/6 since we had to stop so often and let you walk around. I know how it is. I, too, do not particularly enjoy road trips, and I can’t imagine it would be very fun sitting in a car seat for very long.

The beach itself though was pretty fun. You went walking on the beach with Grandma Ann and Aunt Cassie, and you loved floating in the gulf with Dad. It was on this trip that you first crawled too. While your dad and I were unpacking  you had fallen down, and instead of yelling at one us to help you up, you spotted the bed, crawled a couple of steps to it, and pulled yourself up! Very awesome to see! You only did that a couple of time before you found out that that was too much work. Just a couple of days after you started doing that, you learned how to get up right where you fell. Such an amazing little boy! It’s so funny how you do things at you own pace, skip steps, etc.  So original!

Another major thing that happened was that Grandma Pat moved to Indiana 🙁 She felt that she needed to be with Uncle Donny, so now Daddy and I split up our time and each of us watches you 20 hours a week, and go into work for 20 hours a week. We call Grandma every Sunday, but I don’t think you really understand that you’re not going to get to see her for a while. We’re hoping she can come down for Christmas.

Working from home with you has been an experience 😉 You want us to read to you practically very minute of the day, and you don’t really play by yourself too much, but you sure are sweet and very fun to hang around with! We really love getting to spend so much time with you, but next week we are going to start letting you go to Kids R Kids two days a week, so that you can play with other kids your age. 

The other day I took you so that we could look around, and you didn’t want to leave. You, who doesn’t like anyone other than mommy or daddy holding you, went right to one of the ladies. When you went in you immediately stole one kids pacifier, another’s cup, you tried to take a blanket off of one of the kids that was sleeping, and you stole another little girls toy. You were having a blast! When I said it was time to go, you started waving at me, like “bye, mom…see you later. I’m gonna stay and play a while longer!” 🙂 It was so funny. It made me feel a lot better about letting you go a couple times a week.

Well, you had your first Centra Care visit this week. You fell down and slit your gum in between your top two teeth and you wripped your Frendulum (that little piece of skin that connects the inside of your lip to you gum). We weren’t going to take you, as you fall down and bust that area all the time, but you poor little mouth bled for over an hour so we brought you in. It was funny…we decided we’d eat dinner first, since we were all hungry, and you kept taking bites of stuff than trying to give us a bite, but it was all bloody…very gross 🙂 The doctor said that there was nothing he could do, no stitches were needed, but he did give you some penicillin in case it got infected. You were fine. You didn’t even cry, and today everything looks great.

Now let’s talk about all the things that you can do:
You can say “row, row, row” for  row row row your boat.
You can say I love you…it comes a ra-ra-rarooo.
You can sign “please”, “more”, and “fish”

You are so much more vocal now. You’re always babbling, and trying to say words like “Ball”.

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