13 Weeks Old – September 12th, 2006:

You are 3 months old now! You slept for 7 hours straight for the very first time, but the next night it was only 3. We are trying to get you on some sort of a napping schedule. You don’t like naps, but are fussy in the evenings without them. It’s like you’re afraid you’re going to miss something 😉 We took you in the pool again this weekend and you loved it. It was a bit cool, but you got used to it and kicked like you were trying to swim.

You did the cutest thing: you fell asleep in your swing, so your daddy and I decided we could go take a nap too. Well just as we were about to fall asleep you woke up. I went and got you, and put you on my chest to finish your nap. I had my eyes closed (I was trying to sleep), and I could tell that your head was up and you were looking around. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes to find you staring right up at me. As soon as my eyes opened you smiled so big and said “ah-goooooo” and giggled. You are the cutest thing ever! I told you to go back to sleep and rubbed your back, and you smiled and, amazingly, did as you were told. You smiled through your entire nap. I wonder what you were dreaming about 🙂

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